Thursday 17 January 2013

Spook's Sacrifice Review

The Spook's Sacrifice by Joeseph Delaney

Review by Emma McGrath 

Plot Summary

As the Spook’s apprentice Tom’s first duty is to protect the County from the dark. But now Mam needs his help in her homeland of Greece. One of the most dangerous of the old gods, the Ordeen, is about to return there, bringing slaughter and devastation. Meanwhile, the Devil himself is still loose and if he and the Ordeen join forces, a new age of darkness will descend.

Mam has summoned a powerful group to her side but among them are Tom’s old enemy, the Pendle witches, including the assassin Grimalkin, and the cunning clan leader Mab Moldheel. Can Tom go against all the Spook has taught him and ally himself to the witches? What is the secret that Mam is keeping from him? And what sacrifices must be made in the battle against the dark?

My Thoughts

Great story line I like the crazyness of John and Tom joining an aliance with pendle witches! espicaly after what happened in 'The Spook's Battle' ,I never would of guessed it! I was so happy when Tom saw Alice again,series wouldn't be as good without her.

This book brought all of the previous books together,Bill from mistake,pendle witches/Mab and Grimalkin from Battle and of course Alice and John.Brilliant mix of characters including a side of Tom's Mam we've never seen before.

The plot set at the beginning sounded exciting,a grand adventure awaited but i did find most of this one slow and boring.The big reveal about Tom's Mam was a shocker,didn't expect that!

my favorate scene from Sacrifice was when the main characters were in a tent making a plan of action against the Ordene
"If Tom's going into danger,then I want to go too!" Alice cried out,speaking for the first time.
mam shook her head."your place will be at my side, Alice"
"no, that ain't good enough!"she said springing to her feet. "I have to be with Tom".
"You stay away from him girl" said the Spook.
"Stay away?he'd be dead if it weren't for me-and you all know it"
Mam shook her head."Sit down!" she commanded.
"Ain't going to sit down until you give me what I want!" Alice retorted,almost spitting out the words.
"You owe me this!and there are things even you don't know yet!"
Mam came to her feet to face Alice,anger in her face.
At that moment the tent canvas began to flap.It had been a calm evening but now the wind was getting up.moments later,it was gusting furiously,threatening to tear the fabric from its supporting poles.
Mam led the way outside and looked up at the sky.
"It begins" she said pointing towards the horizon.
I found this book slow paced,quite boring until the end.i thought the concept was a good idea;the ordeane was quite terorrfiing and the plot twists at the end were shocking.
since Alice and Tom made the blood jar and tom made a deal with the fiend.the next book is looking very exciting


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