Wednesday 14 November 2012

'The Spook's Secret' review

The Spooks Secret by Joseph Delaney

Review by Emma McGrath

Brief Summery;
Tom and John Gregory ( Spook)  move to the Spook's winter house in Anglezarke,Alice is left with a family that owe John a favor. There Tom and Alice are faced with the mysterys of the Spooks past. who is Meg Skelton? what does Morgan want from the Spook? Is the spooks past catching up to him?

My Thoughts;
I really enjoyed this book for different reasons from the first and second.I think secret was more about Johns past than a challenge for Tom.granted there was dark for Tom to face; Meg,Morgan and Golgoth.
Lots of twists and turns in this book,quite afew shocking reveals that had me gobsmacked.

It felt strange to leave the Chipenden summer house and move to Anglezarke.I loved the way Joseph Delaney made Anglezarke feel and look miserable through Tom's eyes.
Alice is still my favorite character! she's brilliant I love how stubbon and crafty she is.I thought it was hilarious when she'd had enough of living with strangers and went to stay with John's brother Andrew.
On the other hand it was unsettling when John fell ill.In curse when he was captured by the quisitor.Tom had to take things into his own hands then like he does in this book.Toms growing stronger in mind and body.its interesting to read about!

I don't think I've mentioned the illustrations yet,I really love them.somtimes they don't make sence untill the chapter is read which I find really clever and somtimes they're of the characters.imagining what the characters look like with the brilliant discription is awesome but these picture add allitle bit extra.

no complaints for this installment only praise as usual :)

I've already read the next book 'The Spook's battle'
Review will be up soon

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